Popular North American Wild Birds – Chickadee


Black-capped Chickadee – Poecile atricapilla

Carolina Chickadee – Poecile carolinensis


Chickadees live in the woods, farmlands, and suburbs.

Feeding Habits in the Wild

Chickadees acrobatically move through tree branches while searching for insects. They also eat seeds and berries and can even hold sunflower seeds in their feet while cracking them open with their beaks. Chickadees may store food in bark crevices, needle clusters, and under leaves for times when food is scarce.

Preferred Feeder Types

Hanging Feeders, Suet Feeders, and Wire Screen Feeders for Peanuts or Peanut Hearts

Species Facts

Chickadees benefit greatly from backyard feeders. Black-capped Chickadees can interbreed with Carolina Chickadees. In the fall and winter half their diet consists of seeds and berries, the other half is insects, spiders, and fat of carrion.

Preferred Food at the Feeder

Oil Sunflower, Peanuts and Roasted Peanut Chips, Stripe Sunflower, Suet, Safflower Seeds, Squash and Pumpkin Seeds, White Millet, Cracked Corn, Coconut, Oats, and Milo.

Brown’s Recommended Foods