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Stage of Life Factor

Select the appropriate stage of life for your chinchilla:

Specifically formulated for adult chinchillas.
Tailored for adult and older chinchillas with specific dietary needs.
Suitable for all life stages.

Fruit & Veggies Factor

Select the appropriate amount of fruits and vegetables for the chinchilla:

Includes a wide variety and high quantity of fruits and vegetables, providing a range of vitamins and minerals.
Contains a balanced amount of fruits and vegetables, offering necessary nutrients without overwhelming the diet.
Has a minimal inclusion of fruits and vegetables, focusing more on other dietary components.
If you're not sure, select this option and we'll choose a balanced option for you.

Grains & Seeds Factor

Select the grains and seeds content that suits your chinchilla's needs:

Contains a significant amount of grains and seeds, offering a rich source of energy and nutrients.
Balanced mix of grains and seeds, not too high to dominate the diet but enough to provide necessary nutrients.
Low quantities or no grains and seeds, focusing more on other ingredients.

Activity Factor

Select the type of activity level the food should encourage for your chinchilla:

Designed to encourage physical and mental activity, often through varied textures and shapes.
Significantly promotes activity, usually through a mix of ingredients that require more engagement.
Limited focus on stimulating activity, more straightforward in terms of consumption.
If you're not sure, select this option and we'll choose a suitable activity level for you.

Select Three Special Factors for Your Chinchilla's Diet

Choose up to three factors that you want in your chinchilla's diet:

Focuses on overall health and well-being.
Encourages natural foraging behavior.
Enriched with vitamins for enhanced nutrition.
Includes specialized ingredients for a gourmet diet.
Made with natural and minimally processed ingredients.

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