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Pet Care – Gerbils

Gerbils Gerbils are native to the Mongolian Desert Steppes in Asia. Family groups of gerbils live in burrows in the loamy soil. During summer months they eat green plant materials…

Pet Care – Guinea Pigs

Guinea Pigs Guinea pigs are not really pigs, and they don’t come from Guinea. Guinea pigs are native to the Andes Mountains of South America. In all likelihood, the name…

Pet Care – Hamsters

Hamsters Hamsters have been bred in captivity and kept as pets in the U.S. since the 1930’s. The Golden or Syrian Hamster is the most commonly kept hamster and was…

Pet Care – Mice

Mice Pet mice, or “Fancy Mice”, are domesticated from the common house mouse. Mice have been domesticated for over 3,000 years and the first record of mice keeping can be…

Pet Care – Parakeets

Parakeets Budgerigars, or Budgies, are native to the grasslands of Australia and are commonly called parakeets in the United States. The normal color found in nature is green with some…

Pet Care – Parrots

Parrots The word Parrot covers such a wide spectrum of birds that covering them in one article is very difficult. All parrots fall under the category of hookbills. Hookbills are…

Pet Care – Rabbits

Rabbits Rabbits were originally domesticated in Europe during the middle ages. They were raised in colonies as livestock for food. In the wild, rabbits are prey animals and many of…

Pet Care – Rats

Rats Pet rats, or “Fancy Rats”, are domesticated from the common rat. Rats were originally bred for ill-fated entertainment in the early 18th and 19th centuries in Europe. Rats make…

Natural Aromatic Red Cedar Bedding & Litter

Brown’s® natural red cedar bedding is clean, comfortable and naturally fresh. The fluffy shavings are ideal bedding and litter materials for dogs, cats, horses and small animals (in well ventilated…

Brown’s® Ultra-Sorb Plush! Pulp Fiber Bedding

Brown’s® Ultra-Sorb Plush! Pulp Fiber Bedding and Litter is a superior alternative to conventional bedding. It’s simply the most absorbent bedding available. It’s a natural product made from virgin paper…