American Pet Products Association (APPA) Founded in 1958, APPA is the leading not-for-profit trade association made up of over 1000 pet product manufacturers, their representatives, importers and livestock suppliers. Our…
Pet Specialty Companion Pet Product Catalog Brown’s® offers a wide range of unique & eye-catching products designed specifically for the Pet Specialty retail trade. Provide your customers with Tropical Carnival®,…
Why Feed the Wild Birds? Backyard wild bird feeding is a fun and rewarding hobby. Birds are entertaining and enjoyable to watch and feeding wild birds helps build respect for…
Chickadee Black-capped Chickadee – Poecile atricapilla Carolina Chickadee – Poecile carolinensis Habitat Chickadees live in the woods, farmlands, and suburbs. Feeding Habits in the Wild Chickadees acrobatically move through tree…
Cardinal Northern Cardinal – Cardinalis cardinalis Habitat Northern Cardinals inhabit shrubs near open areas, woods, and suburban yards. They prefer to forage in short vegetation or the understories…
Goldfinch American Goldfinch – Carduelis tristis Habitat American Goldfinches can be found at the edges of woods, mixed woodlands, roadsides, gardens, parks, open areas with some trees and shrubs, farms,…
Hummingbird Rufous Hummingbird – Salasphorus rufus Anna’s Hummingbird – Calypte anna Ruby-throated Hummingbird – Archilochus colubris Habitat Hummingbirds live in open woodlands, at the edge of forests, meadows, grasslands,…
Indigo Bunting Indigo Bunting – Passerina cyanea Habitat Indigo Buntings live in brush and low trees near open areas like overgrown fields, woodland borders, and at the edges of…
Junco Dark-eyed Junco – Junco hyemalis Habitat Dark-eyed Juncos spend their summers in woodlands, woodland edges and bogs, mostly in Canada. They spend the winter in brushy…
Nuthatch Red-breasted Nuthatch – Sitta canadensis White-breasted Nuthatch – Sitta Carolinensis Habitat Nuthatches are primarily found in coniferous woods. Feeding Habits in the Wild Nuthatches creep head first down…
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